On the way back a Hodgson’s Hawk Cuckoo was heard and later we bumped a non-vocal cuckoo which was responsive to the Hodgson’s call I played.... I managed to take a record shot before the rain came but still couldn’t make a firm ID in field.
HK big year is 245... The checklist: https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S56743023
little bit foggy
Lesser Coucal - going to feed chick in fog
Lesser Coucal
Lesser Coucal
Lesser Coucal
Richard's Pipit
Blue-winged Minla
Hodgson's Hawk Cuckoo (very likely) - the only photo of this non-calling bird. When it perched and faced me for 1 second, I had a brief view of the reddish streaks. The size is rather small, broad wing and brownish tip of the tail are good for Hodgsons's, rather than Large which is commoner. The key is, this individual was hyper when I played Hodgson's call.... Asked John as well, he thinks this is Hodgson's, because of short tail, yellow base to upper mandible and white feathers on scapulars, while not easy to tell from Northern Hawk. Um.... I am quite sure this is not a Northern because of the streaks.
So should I tick...?