2018年12月24日 星期一

Mount Davis 23 Dec 2018 - rainy streaky

A hard day yesterday so we preferred easy birding, Mount Davis is a good choice for HK Island residents like us. Our target is simple, the ID debating Yellow-streaked Warbler. To me, the ID is quite straight forward even we couldn't get National Geographic shots.

And more important, without Chelsea's help, these photos would be much more unacceptable.... Millions thanks!

Checklist: https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S50885228

Yellow-streaked Warbler - the yellow streaks are very hard to be seen... but bill is smaller and more pointed than Radde's

Yellow-streaked Warbler - can you see my streaks

Yellow-streaked Warbler

Yellow-streaked Warbler - to us, the call and morphology are very Yellow-streaked. A difficult identification question but no doubt that this cutie gave us a relaxing day.

Yellow-streaked Warbler - maybe wing formula can help?

Red-whiskered Bulbul - a fatty one

