Other migrants were slow, only Pallas’s Grasshopper Warbler, Oriental Reed Warbler and Plaintive Cuckoo worth mentioning (well also an escaped White-headed Munia) before I got the news of a Pale-footed Bush Warbler in Kowloon at 5pm. Can I trade the Red-backed Shrike with a HK tick lol....
2019 HK big year is 257 and the full list here: https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S60168989
Red-backed Shrike - shrikes are wire lover, note the whitish belly and small bill. Also the browner ear coverts than Brown Shrike
Red-backed Shrike - the back. For the first winter Red-backed Shrike you can see black subterminal band on tertials, greater coverts and scaling upperparts, a bit different from Brown Shrike. The long primary projection is not easy to be seen in this photo.
Red-backed Shrike - other key features comparative to Brown Shrike are more whitish short supercilium, white fringes on undertail (more prominent on outer two feathers) and the tail is more square-ended
Red-backed Shrike - the whole jizz is also more compacted than Brown.