2021年3月23日 星期二

Mount Davis 20 Mar 2021 - wrong bet

We made the wrong bet so missed the vagrant Ring-billed Gull, a typical HK (and my) situation, a mega rarity only for ONE day (remembering the Great Thick-knee, European Roller etc.) Luckily, the Ring-billed Gull is really a common species so I have no regret.... (too optimistic for traveling after taking Jabs).

So, we went Mount Davis, and only took for the Hume's Warbler.

Hume's Warbler

Hume's Warbler

Hume's Warbler

Hume's Warbler - very worn but showing weak median crown

Hume's Warbler - strange light always

Hume's Warbler

Hume's Warbler

Hume's Warbler - very worn, hardly see the pale tertials fringes

Hume's Warbler - singing

Hume's Warbler

Hume's Warbler

Hume's Warbler

Hume's Warbler

Hume's Warbler

Hume's Warbler

Hume's Warbler - singing

Hume's Warbler

Hume's Warbler

Hume's Warbler

Hume's Warbler

Hume's Warbler

Hume's Warbler

Hume's Warbler

Hume's Warbler

Hume's Warbler

Hume's Warbler

Hume's Warbler song

Hume's Warbler call

Hume's Warbler call 2

Hume's Warbler call and song

Hume's warbler excitement

