2018年3月27日 星期二

Book Review - A Field Guide to the Birds of Thailand (2016)

We bought many books about birds and I think I can start writing some simple and general book review about these books..

As I am planning a trip to Thailand (not yet decided the date), I want to know more about the birds of Thailand. I bought the book: A Field Guide to the Birds of Thailand, written by Craig Robson and published by Bloomsbury in 2016.

Craig Robson is an expert about the birds of South-East Asia. And I also own his another publication - A Field Guide To The Birds Of South-East Asia, which is a great book. As I want to know more the specific distribution and a more handy Thailand field guide, I bought the Birds of Thailand.

This book contains more than 950 maps for individual species and many color plates, but I made a careless mistake, I initially thought this is a new edition and so the data would be up-to-date. However, this is a republished edition for the 2002 one. Bird information may be outdated, especially talking some change in taxonomy and distribution and making this book less user friendly. The good thing is, this field guide is light and portable enough for a trip.

Conclusion: if you are going to Thailand or studying the birds of Thailand, better to use the book - A Field Guide To The Birds Of South-East Asia, which is more informative; if you are a lazy birder like me, this portable guide can be still recommended.

a very handy guide

 the taxonomy is a bit out-dated (as this one is the 2002 edition), like the Rufous-bellied Swallow Cecropis badia  from Striated Swallow (some authors also lump this with Red-rumped Swallow)

 like the paradise-flycatcher, I think both Blyth's and Amur can be found in Thailand

P.S. According to the advertisement in the Birding Asia, the Lynx is going to published another field guide to the birds of Thailand, which can be better for my future trip.

