2018年4月14日 星期六

Gear Review - ROLANPRO Canon Extender EF 2X III

I got my first ever 2X extender today, for around 3000 HKD. I haven't tried (or even connected to any camera and lens) yet. For the extender, I bought the protective cloth weeks ago. And finally I could 'open box' today.

my first lens cloth bought from Taobao, 30 RMB for one (exclude shipping). More details here: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.

the cloth was shipped to HK less than a week, as here, this is just a piece of simple cloth.

my first 2X extender, the version III

the clothing fits the extender very well. There are other colors can be chosen as the link above.

cons: the clothing blocks the red dot for connecting camera, and without any indication on the clothing.

but I realize (suddenly), the pit pattern can help indicating the red dot... 

and for the lens connecting part, the red dot on mount as usual.

Generally, this clothing is worth buying for around 40 HKD (include shipping), but it will be better if the clothing is more water-proof.

