2020年2月8日 星期六

Ngong Ping and Lau Shui Heung - escaped redstart

A quick twitch for the first winter male Blue-fronted Redstart but sadly to find the bird is very likely to be escaped. Anyway, still a nice bird to watch.

Afternoon round is Lau Shui Heung, where we heard the Kloss's Leaf Warbler called and sang, while only Jon managed to see the bird. Well, even it cannot be my lifer but still on my list of BigEar2020.

Checklist of Nong Ping: https://ebird.org/checklist/S64221525
Checklist of Lau Shui Heung: https://ebird.org/checklist/S64225744

BigEar2020 is 117

Blue-fronted Redstart

Blue-fronted Redstart

Blue-fronted Redstart

Blue-fronted Redstart

Blue-fronted Redstart - the molt is unusual which is one clue for escapee

Blue-fronted Redstart - the tameness is another clue

Blue-fronted Redstart - lovely color still

Blue-fronted Redstart

Blue-fronted Redstart

Blue-fronted Redstart

Blue-fronted Redstart

injured Pallas's Leaf Warbler - found inside male toilet!

