2018年9月22日 星期六

Ho Man Tin 22 Sep 2018 - half day birding with friend from Singapore

We heard that birding in Ho Man Tin was so exciting yesterday with Fairy Pitta, Brown-chested Jungle Flycatcher Jungle Flycather, Tiger Shrike, Siberian Blue Robin etc etc. so we continued our plan to HMT today after my class even Jon found a Manchurian Reed Warbler in other place, a long-wishing target on our list, but finally resulted nothing (a very very very typical birding case for Tung and me, and we were birding with my (past) colleague today who is as unlucky as us too [!], so the result is a bit ‘expected’)

As see the checklist here: https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S48662305 

Nothing really worth mentioning except the responsive Pale-legged Leaf Warbler, should be the same individual as last week, which is our Singapore friend - Catalina’s lifer. Hope you have a good time in HK and see you soon in Singapore maybe, and safe flight back to SH tomorrow!

Pale-legged Leaf Warbler - a very responsive individual. Pinkish leg, dark bill with pale tip, wagging tail jizz and the distinctive high pitch call confirm the ID

And we wish the Manchurian Reed Warbler will stay for us on 25/9..... please...

