2018年12月30日 星期日

Lung Fu Shan 30 Dec 2018 - White-tailed Robin

White-tailed Robin is a common breeder in East and SE Asia, but unexpectedly uncommon in HK, especially some records were treated as escapees. There has been a female being fed well in Lung Fu Shan and so we made a short visit this morning. This is not a HK tick nor lifer but we were willing to get some photos which are much better than the Cheung Chau female last time.

Checklist with nothing more special: https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S51069260

White-tailed Robin

White-tailed Robin - this species is really common outside HK....

White-tailed Robin - the diagnostic tail pattern makes no difficulty in ID

White-tailed Robin - this is a first winter female, as seen by the overall brownish plumage and pale tips in greater coverts. Male should show at least some blue in this time of year. Many White-tailed Robin records in HK were treated as escapees. For this one, plumage is perfect, at least the 12 tail feathers are good-looking - wild!

White-tailed Robin - feeding on ground as other robin 

