2019年2月2日 星期六

Mai Po 2 Feb 2019 - Hen Harrier

After today’s fruitful lecture, we went to Mai Po to get the cycling permit and try the Hen Harrier - a first officially documented record in HK. The harrier wasn’t seen for whole day but we waited till the roosting time, and finally, the Hen Harrier showed up together with 3 Eastern Marsh Harrier - I did not bring my camera but Ronye got a record shot, showing the distinctive white rump, barred tail (also strongly barred underwing with my noctivid), the white facial pattern and the landing light of this bird. Not a very good shot but still a good bird to see in this boring winter.

For other raptors, we saw Black-eared Kite, Eastern Buzzard, Greater Spotted Eagle and a Peregrine Falcon.

My 2019 big year is 125 now.

Hen Harrier - photo by Ronye, no photo no tick!

