2020年11月26日 星期四

Mai Po and Victoria Park 21 Nov 2020 - birding before drinking

Some ducking in Mai Po before drinking at night, saw at least 3 Ferruginous Duck and some Mallard and Eastern (or called Chinese) Spotbill

Also nothing in the park as expected.

Chinese or called Eastern Spotbill - the female in front show faint malar but the tertials and head pattern fit Chinese more than Indian, and also blue speculum. 

Ferruginous Duck - three in the photo, 1 male and 2 female type

Common Pochard and Tufted Duck

Greater White-fronted Goose

Black-winged Kite

Eastern Imperial Eagle

Oriental Magpie

Crested Myna

Crested Myna

Rock Dove

Rock Dove - I was too MO LIU to take some upperwing pattern

Yellow-crested Cockatoo

Rock Dove

Rock Dove

best pic of the day

second best pic of the day

some water in Japanese style

