2021年2月9日 星期二

Chai Wan 8 Feb 2021 - better stay home

Did not go far even I have holiday and did not miss anything special (This is HK). Watching some Swinhoe's White-eye in backyard is the only thing I could do.

Red-whiskered Bulbul

Red-whiskered Bulbul

Swinhoe's Whtie-eye

Swinhoe's Whtie-eye - another individual showing very large bill and 'pale' iris, recalling Warbling White-eye. However, the base of lower mandible is not bluish enough and the plumage does not fit (Warbling should show duller plumage especially no bright yellowish forehead, subspecies possibly occurring in HK should also show brownish flank). Lore may be a good feature to separate these two species but I found that the Warbling usually show more 'greyish brown' iris.
Good picture as here:
and an article about the ID:

Swinhoe's Whtie-eye - the third one. Don't expect anything really rare in HK.

and Hunter from Taiwan made this table for separating Swinhoe's, Warbling and Lowland White-eye in Taiwan

Yellow-browed / Hume's Warbler - cannot firm its ID as no call, and the bird is molting.

I am smart not to go far and bird in my holiday. Relax and drink is better.

