2021年2月28日 星期日

Discovery Bay & Mui Wo 28 Feb 2021 - real hiking for nothing

I have absolutely no idea why I chose to hike for non-photoable Brown Bush Warbler in Discovery Bay, even worse I don't know why I returned to Mui Wo and only 3 Mugimaki Flycatcher and Hartert's Leaf Warbler were seen.....

view of Discovery Bay

a long and not easy hike

view point of the peak

the view

stair comparing my lens

Brown Bush (Grasshopper) Warbler - the only photo of the only bird out of the 6 different individuals heard/seen today... even they responded but still very hard to get a good view.

Mugimaki Flycatcher

Hartert's Leaf Warbler - not in wave

sea level and drinking time finally

urchin... better to eat something good


and fish

Brown Bush Warbler call 1

Brown Bush Warbler call 2

