2021年2月24日 星期三

Mount Davis 23 Feb 2021 - birding before and after work

Birding before and after work resulted three responsive species - Hume's Warbler, Ashy Minivet and Ryukyu Minivet, the latter is a first official record in HK in this influx year, a HK tick but not my lifer.

Hume's Warbler - a molting bird in spring, once again I noticed by call & song first

Ryukyu Minivet - I played, heard and it showed

Ryukyu Minivet - a big year for this species in E Asia

Ryukyu Minivet

Ashy Minivet - show cleaner breast, larger white forehead and different call comparing Ryukyu

Ryukyu Minivet - not easy to take a good photos comparing my Ryukyu experience

Ryukyu Minivet

Ryukyu Minivet

Ryukyu Minivet

Ryukyu Minivet

Ryukyu Minivet

