2018年10月17日 星期三

HK Wetland Park 17 Oct 2018 - chicken from the sky

I planned to take an annual leave today to try the European Golden Plover in MP at first but gave up finally because of the tide. So I just birded around my patch.

Sky was quiet, just an unidentified Accipiter until a large bird dropped from the sky into reed - a newly arrived female Watercock! This reminded me clearly a similar case: Wing Tung and I bumped a Slaty-legged Crake in an urban park in Kowloon. Sadly this Watercock did not allow me to take a shot, unlike the one we found in Tsing Yi Park few years ago.

Accipiter - long wing and tail, maybe Japanese?

the Watercock dropped and disappeared in the reedbed...

Phyllocopus are getting commoner, several Arctic Warbler type (one yellowish bird giving me a Kamchatka thought but no call); Yellow-browed and Dusky Warbler were everywhere; and Pale-legged Leaf Warbler was already replaced by Sakhalin Leaf Warbler, which I heard and saw at least 3 individuals today. I am surprised that they can be quite common in HK, clearly an overlooked species. And from my personal record, they seem to migrate / arrive later than Pale-legged Leaf Warbler.

Sakhalin Leaf Warbler - first individual: 

Sakhalin Leaf Warbler - second individual: 

Sakhalin Leaf Warbler - second individual, no difference with Pale-legged in appearance

5 Whiskered Tern and one Greater Painted Snipe were seen too, the latter is a first for me in this patch. And two gangs of Masked Laughingthrush were in conflict again in the same place.

two gangs of Masked Laughingthrush in conflict, the second time I saw, right in the same place
as here:

