2018年10月14日 星期日

Mount Davis 14 Oct 2018 - 9 species of raptors

Mount Davis is one of our favorite birding spots in HK Island: easy walking and good for watching raptors.Wing Tung and I haven't seen any real rarities here before but making regular visit can be fun.

The highlights of today were 9 species of raptors, include 2 Oriental Honey Buzzard, 2 Japanese Sparrowhawk, 1 Crested Goshawk, 1 Eastern Buzzard, 1 Eastern Marsh Harrier, Black-eared Kite, 1 Peregrine Falcon, 1 Common Kestrel and 2 Eurasian Hobby.

Eastern Buzzard and Black-eared Kite

Eastern Marsh Harrier - our first in HK Island too

immature Japanese Sparrowhawk

another Japanese Sparrowhawk with Oriental Honey Buzzard

Common Kestrel - the very short P10 separated from Lesser

Peregrine Falcon - the largest falcon in HK

Eurasian Hobby - note the long pointed wing

Birds were actively migrating as we saw at least 7 Black-naped Oriole, a single Dollarbird, and two Blue-winged Minla (first for us in HK Island?). An Eastern Crowned Warbler and Japanese Paradise Flycatcher are my first for this season too.

12 birds in one tree: 10 Black Drongo, 1 Ashy Drongo and 1 Dollarbird

Dollarbird in flight

Japanese Paradise Flycatcher

Asian Brown Flycatcher

Asian Brown Flycatcher - simple is beauty

checklist as here: https://ebird.org/view/checklist/S49177654

