2018年5月20日 星期日

Gear Review - SUNSDOW tripod bag

Wing Tung made several tripod bags in the past but the cloth we bought was easily damaged and so I don't want to further damage the bags due to my own carelessness. And by using the Taobao again, a larger tripod bag was bought because I want to change a new tripod, later, when there is a new super tele lens!

this is the one, there are several sizes to choose, the link is here: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.

the package came less than a week

here it is, the one I chose is 100x22cm, costed ¥80 RMB (and $16 HKD shipping)

there is a pocket inside and you can put some other small stuff inside

the material is very good, dust and waterproof

but one disadvantage... I think I bought a wrong size. The bag is so big that two tripods can be put inside! But anyway, this bag is good, even I don't think we will take it outside until I buy a car. For now, the bag can help protecting the tripods at home from dust. Just buy a smaller one next time.

