My new contract started today, and so the ‘first birding day’. Although I don’t know how long I will continue my working here, I will still go birdig whenever I am free and not lazy. Nothing new this week, still some Common Greenshank, the long staying Tufted Duck and Great Cormorant. A Pied Kingfisher family consists of 5 birds also attract many photographers to this park. But they are still too far for me to get a decent shot.
a long staying Great Cormorant
Pied Kingfisher
Pied Kingfisher, male shows double breast band like this
a long staying male Tufted Duck
as see in the left wing, some unusual molt, probably due to some sickness or damage, and the reason why it is still leaving here.
Sooty-headed Bulbul
White-breasted Waterhen incubating eggs
a Black-eared Kite nest, with an adult